
How to help our local schools...
Posted on Oct 13th, 2010

OFFICE DEPOT 5% BACK TO SCHOOLS PROGRAM:  Just provide the school name every time you shop at Office Depot. The school will receive a credit worth 5% of all purchases that can be used toward needed supplies.
RECYCLE INK CARTRIDGES AND CELL PHONES—Mr. Sklut collects ink and toner cartridges, as well as cell phones. We participate in a recycle program from a company named Funding Factory. They offer technology items to purchase from accumulated points. Send your items directly to Mr. Sklut.
EXERCISE EQUIPMENT NEEDED—The Physical Education Department is always in need of working exercise equipment for the students to use in the Meads Mill “Heart Room.” If you have a piece of fully assembled exercise equipment that you are no longer using at home—and are willing to bring it to school—please consider donating the equipment to Meads Mill. Questions? Please contact the PE teachers…Mike Soukup ( & Laura Melvin(